Refund Now. Ship Later. Instant refunds before you ship your return. Only by Refundid

Refundid provides shoppers instant refunds for their returns. No need to wait for your order to be shipped back and checked before you’re issued a refund. Use Refundid to get your refund before you’ve even sent back your items.

Don't think twice. Shop with us, now with even more confidence.



How do I use Refundid?

Request a return via the Superdry Returns page and select Refundid to receive your full refund in real-time. You must have made your purchase on the Superdry website logged into your account to request a Refundid return. For more information, check out Refundid's FAQ at Click here to get started!

Does it cost me to use Refundid?

Refundid is 100% free for the customer requesting a refund. All that's required to be paid is for the prepaid return label. You will only be charged if your return is not received within 30 days. The only time we ever charge Refundid customers is when we've identified misconduct. This misconduct is extremely rare. If you believe you will likely suffer from misconduct fees, we recommend you don't use Refundid.

Do you offer a returns label?

A return label will be generated by refundid, which is the only cost you will need to cover as part of a return via Refundid. Simply print, place on your parcel and drop it off at your nearest post office. The cost of the return label will be deducted from your refund total.

What do I do after receiving my refund from Refundid?

After using Refundid your refund process is complete. You will then need to print your label and attach this to the front of your parcel along with the Superdry returns form. For any questions related to the shipping tracking number, please reach out to Refundid here.

Where do I receive my refund?

When signing up to Refundid you’re prompted to provide your BSB and Account Number. Refundid pays you instantly into this account.

Is there a limit to how much I can refund on a single return?

Yes, refund limits apply to returns lodged through Refundid. Instant refunds of up to $1,500 with Refundid on eligible items (within Australia Only). Visit Refundid's FAQs to learn more

What products can I not receive a refund on?

Refundid is not available for any non-refundable items. Be sure to read the Superdry - returns policy to see which items fall within this criterion. Refundid is also not available for any orders made using a gift card.

When can I expect to get my refund?

When using Refundid, refunds are paid out instantly meaning they are received in your bank account within 60 seconds of the return being lodged through Refundid. If your refund is not received within this timeframe, please be sure to reach out to Refundid here.

Are purchases made with Afterpay and Zippay eligible with Refundid?

When an item is purchased with Afterpay, or any other buy now pay later service, you are still eligible to receive a refund from Refundid by following the Refundid process. Please note that the refund will not resolve any outstanding Buy Now Pay Later payments, so you will be required to pay any remaining instalments to you Buy Now Pay Later provide. For further information, click here.

Important Information

- Instant Refunds are offered on all eligible purchases

- Orders received back to use within 14 days of your delivery date

- Orders placed with a gift card are ineligible for a Refundid return

- Customers are to create a Refundid account and link their payment method to receive a refund instantly

- You will be required to pay for the prepaid return label as part of processing a return

- If your return is not posted within 7 business days, the refund is reversed by Refundid

- AfterPay and Zip remaining instalment payments will still be required to be paid or settled after the refund is received

- Your refund is not sent to the original payment method and is sent to the linked payment in your Refundid account

- If your return does not meet the eligibility criteria, a dishonour fee will be charged by Refundid when reversing the refund.

- Free returns are only valid for customers located in Australia